Friday, May 31, 2024 / by Eric And Dava Dreibelbis
June Vendor Info
Bank of England

Ponte Vedra Title
State Sales Tax Rate Imposed on Rentals, Leases, or LicensesnTo Use Real Property Reduced to 2.0% Effective June 1, 2024, the state sales tax rate imposed under section 212.031, FloridaStatutes (F.S.), on the total rent charged for renting, leasing, letting, or granting a license to usereal property (also known as “commercial rentals”) is reduced from 4.5% to 2.0%. Someexamples of real property rentals subject to tax under s. 212.031, F.S., include rentals ofcommercial office or retail space, warehouses, and self-storage units or mini-warehouses.The total rent charged includes all consideration due and payable by the tenant for the privilegeor right to use or occupy the real property. The local option discretionary sales surtax imposedby the county where the real property is located continues to apply to the total rent charged.Sales tax is due at the rate in effect during the time the tenant occupies or is entitled to occupy thereal property, regardless of when the rent is paid.
• Rental charges paid on or after June 1, 2024, for rental periods of December 1, 2023,through May 31, 2024, are subject to 4.5% state sales tax plus any applicablediscretionary sales surtax.
• Rental payments made prior to June 1, 2024, that entitle the tenant to occupy the realproperty on or after June 1, 2024, are subject to 2.0% state sales tax plus anyapplicable discretionary sales surtax.
The reduced state sales tax rate on commercial rentals does not apply to the state sales taxrate on rentals or leases of living, sleeping, or housekeeping accommodations for six monthsor less (also known as “transient rentals”), parking or storage spaces for motor vehicles inparking lots or garages, docking or storage spaces for boats in boat docks or marinas, ortie-down or storage space for aircraft at airports.Information about the proper reporting of tax due on commercial rentals is available on theDepartment’s website at Click the Sales and Use Tax dropdownmenu and scroll to Sales and Use Tax on the Rental, Lease, or License to Use CommercialReal Property (GT-800016).References: Chapter 2021-2, Laws of Florida; Section 212.031, Florida StatutesFor More InformationThis document is intended to alert you to the requirements contained in Florida laws and administrative rules.It does not by its own effect create rights or require compliance.For forms and other information, visit the Department’s website at or call Taxpayer Servicesat (850) 488-6800, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).For a detailed written response to your questions, write the Florida Department of Revenue, Taxpayer ServicesMS 3-2000, 5050 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0112.
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Ponte Vedra Title
State Sales Tax Rate Imposed on Rentals, Leases, or LicensesnTo Use Real Property Reduced to 2.0% Effective June 1, 2024, the state sales tax rate imposed under section 212.031, FloridaStatutes (F.S.), on the total rent charged for renting, leasing, letting, or granting a license to usereal property (also known as “commercial rentals”) is reduced from 4.5% to 2.0%. Someexamples of real property rentals subject to tax under s. 212.031, F.S., include rentals ofcommercial office or retail space, warehouses, and self-storage units or mini-warehouses.The total rent charged includes all consideration due and payable by the tenant for the privilegeor right to use or occupy the real property. The local option discretionary sales surtax imposedby the county where the real property is located continues to apply to the total rent charged.Sales tax is due at the rate in effect during the time the tenant occupies or is entitled to occupy thereal property, regardless of when the rent is paid.
• Rental charges paid on or after June 1, 2024, for rental periods of December 1, 2023,through May 31, 2024, are subject to 4.5% state sales tax plus any applicablediscretionary sales surtax.
• Rental payments made prior to June 1, 2024, that entitle the tenant to occupy the realproperty on or after June 1, 2024, are subject to 2.0% state sales tax plus anyapplicable discretionary sales surtax.
The reduced state sales tax rate on commercial rentals does not apply to the state sales taxrate on rentals or leases of living, sleeping, or housekeeping accommodations for six monthsor less (also known as “transient rentals”), parking or storage spaces for motor vehicles inparking lots or garages, docking or storage spaces for boats in boat docks or marinas, ortie-down or storage space for aircraft at airports.Information about the proper reporting of tax due on commercial rentals is available on theDepartment’s website at Click the Sales and Use Tax dropdownmenu and scroll to Sales and Use Tax on the Rental, Lease, or License to Use CommercialReal Property (GT-800016).References: Chapter 2021-2, Laws of Florida; Section 212.031, Florida StatutesFor More InformationThis document is intended to alert you to the requirements contained in Florida laws and administrative rules.It does not by its own effect create rights or require compliance.For forms and other information, visit the Department’s website at or call Taxpayer Servicesat (850) 488-6800, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).For a detailed written response to your questions, write the Florida Department of Revenue, Taxpayer ServicesMS 3-2000, 5050 West Tennessee Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0112.
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